$398 — Los Angeles to Panama City Nonstop (R/T)

Explore the bustling city or escape to one of the nearby beaches with flights to Panama City for $100 less than the regular cost. Nonstop fares from Los Angeles are available for $398 roundtrip, including tax.

The flights are available on COPA Airlines, which does not have the best reputation, but for the price we felt it was worth sharing.

Fly.com Fare Calendar:


  • More than $100 OFF regular pricing

Travel Dates:

  • Through July 5

Sample Screenshots:

Los Angeles to Panama City: Fly.com Results

Los Angeles to Panama City: Fly.com Results

Los Angeles to Panama City: CheapOair Booking Page

Los Angeles to Panama City: CheapOair Booking Page

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Featured Image: Panama City, city center skyline and Bay of Panama, Panama, Central America (Shutterstock.com)

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